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Current Service Projects


SamariTots - SAFE

How well is YOUR community prepared for an earthquake or other natural disaster? Pack a basic emergency kit for a neighbor in need. Include necessities, such as bottled water and non-perishable snacks, to keep them healthy until emergency crews arrive. You can also a pack a flashlight incase the lights go out, a small first aid kit (or a bag of bandaids) incase they get small injuries during the earthquake, a whistle to signal for help, a face mask to help with dust and smoke, some hand sanitizer, and anything else you can think of to personalize the kit! With your grownups help, deliver your kit to an elderly or at-risk neighbor and let them know you want them to be safe during an emergency!





What needs to be improved in YOUR community? Does your park need more trees or a crosswalk need to be repaired? Would you like to add a community garden or a mural to a bare space? Use the template below to draw a picture of your community building idea and send it to your mayor! Your grownup can add a description at the bottom. You have GOOD ideas and your city leaders should hear them!

SamariKidz- SAFE

How well is YOUR community prepared for an earthquake or other natural disaster? Pack a basic emergency kit for a neighbor in need. Include necessities, such as bottled water and non-perishable snacks, to keep them healthy until emergency crews arrive. You can also a pack a flashlight incase the lights go out, a small first aid kit (or a bag of bandaids) incase they get small injuries during the earthquake, a whistle to signal for help, a face mask to help with dust and smoke, some hand sanitizer, and anything else you can think of to personalize the kit! With your grownups help, deliver your kit to an elderly or at-risk neighbor and let them know you want them to be safe during an emergency!






What needs to be improved in YOUR community? Does your park need more trees or a crosswalk need to be repaired? Would you like to add a community garden or a mural to a bare space? Use the template below to write a description of your community building idea and send it to your mayor! You can even have a fundraiser to help make your idea happen! You have GOOD ideas and your city leaders should hear them!



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